The Creative Process for Making our Autism Travel Social Story Videos

I wanted to provide a small peek behind the creative process for making our autism travel social story videos....

Before we even film at a destination or resort, we do our research to learn about their existing accommodations for families with Autism and other Special Needs.  Is there a Special Needs pass? How does it work? Are there alternate lines? Does the Kid's Club accommodate children with Special Needs, and what are those accommodations? We speak with families who have experienced the accommodations first-hand to hear about how it works - in REAL LIFE. 

When we film at a destination or resort, we have a specific shot list that we follow. These shot lists portray how to use the destination's Special Needs accommodations, as well as communicate tips and tricks for navigating the destination with ease and minimal stress. Our Hosts - Tristan, Sebastian, and Emerson - put on their acting hats, and do a great job showing how to use the destination's accommodations. Many shots are required for one scene, and filming can take all day, but the Hosts are dedicated to making the filming process fun and exciting.



When we've finished filming and we're home, Stage 2 begins. While Jason, our videographer and film editor, works on putting together the individual video drafts, while Nicole, the video producer, works on the accompanying text for the audio voice-overs.

The audio voice-over process is a lot of fun, because our Hosts get involved again! Using the written text, Jason and the Hosts record the audio track for the voice-overs.



Once complete, Jason lays the track onto the video, and we have Autism Travel Social Story Videos!



Finally, the STSSV website and blog is up and running. We are just getting back from an amazing film trip to Orlando, Florida. We filmed in two destinations on this trip: Universal Studios Orlando and Seaworld Orlando.

Sebastian was the Host for these set of videos and he was fantastic! He was an amazing face for these tours and his excitement for the destinations shone through with every shot.

Filming penguins at Seaworld Orlando

Filming penguins at Seaworld Orlando

We were able to highlight how to obtain and use the disability passes at each Park. With these videos, we are going to assist both kids and parents with this tricky process. Viewers will be able to familiarize themselves with the process before they even leave for their vacation!

Sebastian even got behind the camera for a few moments to see how we film the videos!

Sebastian, the Director

Sebastian, the Director